Sweet Composites, 6211 Ridge Drive, Bethesda, MD 20816-2641 USA
301-229-2201  –  9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern, Mon.-Fri.

Last Update: 3 May 2024

The Latest News & Updates

Our Customer Projects page shows things folks have done using some of our materials. If you have built a boat, a race car, a model airplane, anything at all that might be of interest, and you would like to show it off, please send a short description of the project and a photo. We would like to include a few words about you, the builder, at minimum who you are and where you live. If you have a personal web page describing your project we would include a link to that. For our business customers we will highlight one product of your choice and provide a link to your web page for more information on this or other products. How about someone offering something new for us to post?

Corrections & Additions

Graphite Fabrics

We have a good supply of style 94901-50" graphite, the 5.7 oz plain weave. We also have 94905-50" Kevlar/graphite hybrid in stock. All of these styles are BGF first-quality fabrics. Please check the Graphite page for additional information.

Kevlar® Fabrics

The Kevlar aerospace seconds that we have traditionally carried have been very scarce. We do have style 120-38" Kevlar seconds with minor weaving flaws. We have first quality style 500 Kevlar in 50" and 58" widths, style 281-50" Kevlar, and style 220-54" Kevlar. Please see pricing on our Kevlar page.

Prices reduced on style 120-38" Kevlar seconds with minor weaving flaws.


S-glass seconds have become scarce. We do offer 4 ounce 6522-60" S-glass suitable for wood strip canoes and various other projects. See S-glass at the bottom of our Fiberglass page.

Mold Construction

We get occasional inquiries from people wanting to have a mold constructed. If you are in that line of work we will be happy to refer these people to you. It would be good to have several such sources in different regions of the country. Let us know if you are interested.

Canoeing River Guides

We have volume 1 and 3 of the five volumes of Burmeister’s Appalachian Waters river guides.

Please contact us for more information on anything on these web pages. Let us know if you find any broken links or other errors or have difficulties of any kind using the site. We have designed a site with minimal graphics so it will download quickly for those out in the boonies at the end of a long copper wire but we also want it to be user friendly.   Suggestions Welcome!

Here's our vacation schedule. Please note that we are typically closed for a week in the Spring, early August, and again at the end of the year.
We are closed regular U.S. holidays.

Closed May 20 thru June 4, 2024